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Fishing on Apalachicola River

USA, FL, Apalachicola
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The river is formed on the state line between Florida and Georgia, near the town of Chattahoochee, Florida, approximately 60 miles (97 km) northeast of Panama City, by the confluence of the Flint and Chattahoochee rivers.
Source :Confluence of Chattahoochee River and Flint River at Chattahoochee, Florida
Location:Confluence of Chattahoochee River and Flint River at Chattahoochee, Florida
Mouth :
Location:Confluence of Chattahoochee River and Flint River at Chattahoochee, Florida
Fish Species  
Trout, Rainbow  Pickerel, Chain
Sucker, Spotted  Shiner, Spottail
Shiner, Flagfin  Shiner, Golden
Shiner, Blacktip  Sunfish, Bluegill
Madtom, Speckled  Killifish, Bluefin
Chub, Redeye  Sunfish, Redbreast
Minnow, Sheepshead  Catfish, Hardhead
Shiner, Broadstripe  Warmouth
Bass, Shoal  Walleye
Minnow, Pugnose  Chubsucker, Creek
Sunfish, Everglades Pygmy  Bullhead, Brown
Catfish, White  Killifish, Pygmy
Stoneroller, Bluefin  Catfish, Channel
Shiner, Yellowfin  Darter, Florida Sand
Killifish, Rainwater  Darter, Brown
Darter, Backwater  Killifish, Seminole
Lamprey, Southern Brook  Chub, Dixie
Shiner, Taillight  Sunfish, Banded Pygmy
Sculpin, Black  Chubsucker, Lake
Striped Mullet  Gar, Longnose
Flier  Topminnow, Russetfin
Madtom, Black  Mosquitofish, Eastern
Sunfish, Banded  Sunfish, Redear
Molly, Sailfin  Perch, Pirate
Madtom, Tadpole  Eel, American
Chub, River  Darter, Redspot
Studfish, Southern  Bass, Largemouth
Shiner, Coastal  Bass, Redeye
Minnow, Fathead  
Shiner, Coosa  Sunfish, Longear
Crappie, Black  Jumprock, Greater
Silverside, Inland  Hogchoker
Shiner, Longnose  Shiner, Bandfin
Darter, Gulf  Topminnow, Golden
Snail Bullhead  Gar, Spotted
Jumprock, Striped  Chub, Creek
Shiner, Bluenose  Sunfish, Bluespotted
Shiner, Dusky  Darter, Blackbanded
Atlantic Needlefish  Sucker, Alabama Hog
Shiner, Weed  Bowfin
Shad, Alabama  Perch, Yellow
Killifish, Least  Gar, Florida
Shiner, Highscale  Shiner, Bluestripe
Silverside, Brook  Bass, Shadow
Shad, Threadfin  Crappie, White
Darter, Goldstripe  Sunfish, Blackbanded
Chub, Clear  Redfin Pickerel
Redhorse, Notchlip  Sunfish, Dollar
Sunfish, Spotted  Topminnow, Blackspotted
Sunfish, Redspotted  Herring, Skipjack
Sturgeon, Atlantic  Spotted Bullhead
Sleeper, Fat  Bass, White
Bullhead, Yellow  Bass, Spotted
Bass, Striped  Chub, Bluehead
Atlantic Stingray  Shiner, Ironcolor
Mosquitofish, Western  Shad, Gizzard
Shiner, Blacktail  Sunfish, Green
Darter, Swamp  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Chattahoochee River32.8 -84.3  Source  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  

Last change: 2024-04-17