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Fishing on Flathead River

USA, MT, Kootenay Land
Link |   |  JAXAM  
Road Access:Highway 2 
Source :
Mouth :Flathead Lake
Fish Species  
Trout, Westslope Cutthroat  Trout, Cutthroat
Trout, Bull  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Flathead Lake47.7 -114.2  Mouth  
Pincher Creek49.4 -114.6  Source  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Middle Fork Flathead River48.5 -114.0  Source  
South Fork Flathead River48.4 -114.0  Source  
Close ByLat/Lon |    
Barnes Lake49.4 -114.7  10 km  
Gumbo Creek49.2 -114.5  20 km  
McLatchie Creek49.3 -114.7  10 km  
Packhorse Creek49.3 -114.5  10 km  
Shepp Creek49.3 -114.7  10 km  
Lakes and RiversLat/Lon |    
Haig Brook49.2 -114.5  20 km  
Hunger Lake49.2 -114.7  20 km  
Macdonald Creek49.4 -114.5  10 km  
Pollock Creek49.3 -114.5  10 km  
St. Eloi Brook49.3 -114.5  10 km  
Last NewsDate | Source
Climate change comes for a favorite summer pastime: fishing27/08/2021   nationalgeographic   
FWP lifts fishing restrictions on North Fork Flathead06/08/2024   dailymontanan   
Last NewsDate | Source
A National Park Wants to Use Rat Poison to Get Rid of a Fish They Brought In30/10/2022   thedailybeast   

Last change: 2024-08-07