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Fishing on San Joaquin River

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San Joaquin River is one of the most polluted rivers in the United States, especially in its lower course. Years of pesticides and fertilizers being applied to the surrounding lands as well as municipal runoff have led to elevated levels of selenium, fluoride, nitrates and other substances in the river and its tributaries; pesticide pollution is now considered "ubiquitous" to the San Joaquin River system.
Source :Thousand Island Lake
Location:Thousand Island Lake
Mouth :
Location:Suisun Bay
Fish Species  
Bass, Striped  Sturgeon, White
Pikeminnow, Sacramento  Trout, Rainbow
Sculpin, Prickly  Lamprey, River
Chub, Thicktail  Splittail
Sculpin, Riffle  Stickleback, Threespine
Sculpin, Pacific Staghorn  Sucker, Sacramento
Lamprey, Western Brook  Hardhead
Salmon, Chinook  Smelt, Delta
Smelt, Longfin  Lamprey, Kern Brook
Dace, Speckled  Perch, Sacramento
Hitch  Lamprey, Pacific
California Roach  Sacramento Blackfish
Chum Salmon  Perch, Tule
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Middle Fork SAN JOAQUIN River37.6 -119.1  Source  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
MOKELUMNE River38.1 -121.6  Source  
Close ByLat/Lon |    
GEORGIANA SLOUGH38.2 -121.5  20 km  
LITTLE POTATO SLOUGH38.1 -121.5  10 km  
MINER SLOUGH38.3 -121.6  20 km  
Old River37.9 -121.4  5 km  
S MOKELUMNE River38.2 -121.5  20 km  
Lakes and RiversLat/Lon |    
FALSE River38.1 -121.7  10 km  
N Mokelumne River38.2 -121.5  20 km  
STEAMBOAT SLOUGH38.3 -121.6  20 km  
THREEMILE SLOUGH38.1 -121.7  20 km  
TURNER CUT38.0 -121.5  20 km  
Last NewsDate | Source
California Outlines Plan for Scaled Back Giant Water Tunnel27/07/2022   Associated Press   
Delta pumps likely killed over half a million fish in two decades23/05/2024   sacbee   
Last NewsDate | Source
Study shows dangerously high levels of toxins in fish from Northern California rivers03/02/2023   kcra   

Last change: 2021-12-26