По итогам 2024 года улов российских рыбопромышленников составит почти 5 млн 
RU Source: korabel 12/28/2024

Показатели будут уточнены после предоставления компаниями годовой отчетности.

На данный момент добыто 4799,1 тыс. тонн водных биоресурсов.

в Дальневосточном рыбохозяйственном бассейне добыто 3641,8 тыс. тонн водных биоресурсов (76% общероссийского вылова). Наблюдается рост показателей по минтаю, сельди тихоокеанской и сардине иваси.


News Id SourceStampcountry
1Ottawas ice fishing season shrinking due to climate changeottawacitizen2024-12-30CA
2Can a Norwegian seafood giant allay locals fears over a Highland fish farm?theferret2024-12-15NO
3Carbon credits, fish poo and the push to discover the secrets of the sea floorthespinoff2024-12-16NZ
4Fish embryos decide when they want to be borntimesofisrael2024-12-15IL
5Вести с водоемов Марий Элohotniki2025-01-01RU
6A successful year for ASCthefishsite2024-12-31KR
7Reflections on the salmon sectorthefishsite2024-12-30ES
8Are efforts to stop illegal fishing off northern Australia working?abc2024-12-15AU
9Watch the fastest swimming soft robot move like a manta raycosmosmagazine2024-12-26US
10Damselfishs rare parenting skills come to the rescuecosmosmagazine2024-12-16AU
11Teen brothers go to extreme lengths to reel in massive queenfish9now2024-12-14AU
12Researchers rediscover fish species once believed extinct in Lake Superiorfox17online2024-12-17US
13Food chain fears as forever chemical PFOS found in carp from Belubula RiverABC Central West Topic:2024-12-17AU
14Colorful clawed creature caught by pet traders in Indonesian rivermiamiherald2024-12-23ID
15CT police dog sniffs out big haul of fish.courant2024-12-20US
16Mr. Big Fishbeaumontenterprise2024-12-20US
17Wildlife officials warn of koi fish illegally dumped into McKenzie Riverkezi2024-12-20US
18Fish farm company says human error caused 8,000-litre fuel spillctvnews2024-12-16CA
19Carp hunt to offer prizes in effort to remove aggressive fish from Utah Lakefox13now2024-12-16US
20Праздник перволедья состоялсяohotniki2024-12-27RU
21По итогам 2024 года улов российских рыбопромышленников составит почти 5 млнkorabel2024-12-28RU
22Pro Angler and YouTuber Ben Milliken Says His Arrest Was a Massive Misunderstandingoutdoorlife2024-12-16US
23Lamprey numbers up in the Great Lakes after pandemic bumpmlive2024-12-19US
24A mans obsession with a prehistoric fish resultsinquirer2024-12-19US
25I Speak for the fish: Sammy the red-nosed suckergreatlakesnow2024-12-16CA

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